Modafen Science Club Visited at “Science-Experiment Center” ⋅ Modafen

Modafen Science Club Visited at “Science-Experiment Center”

Modafen Middle School Science Club students participated in a training held at Sancaktepe Science-Experiment Center on 21st April Friday.

Our students combined the practice they had went through during the training with what they learnt at school and so they had the chance of carrying their experience at planetarium and observatory and what they already knew about science, into the real life.
During the training after the instructor had shown them how to make the experiment, they had the chance of doing the experiment individually. Our students were quite enthusiastic about learning through experiencing and creating a production based mind set. Furthermore, they raised their awareness about the planets, solar systems, stars and space through what they experienced at planetarium and observatory.

The training ended with the certificates given to our students.

24 April 2017 Monday
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