Italian and Far East Cuisine at Modafen ⋅ Modafen

Italian and Far East Cuisine at Modafen

The third one of our “Modafen World Cuisine” days, where we will be seeing a different cuisine every month, was successfully held last month with the Italian Cuisine.

The Far East cuisine, which takes up a prominent place in the world of gastronomy, was quite loved by our students. The lunch menu included wonton soup, meat with sweet and sour sauce and pineapples, veggie noodles, custard with fried walnuts, bananas and ginger and edamame – quinoa salad. As our children tasted dishes suitable for them from different regions of the Far East, traditional Far East music accompanied the menu in the background.

We completed the third Modafen World Cuisine days with satisfied students with the serving of Chinese almond cookies, which were favored by everyone, during snack time.

8 April 2019 Monday
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