Destination Imagination 2016 ⋅ Modafen

Destination Imagination 2016

The activity called Destination Imagination (DAT) 2016 took place in Efes Congress Centre last weekend.

Destination Imagination and DI is a Turkish voluntary organization established to help the students develop their creativity and ability to create new ideas. The competition, which takes part in two different stages, team task and impromptu task respectively, took place in Kuşadası this year with the participation of 300 teams with 2500 students in total.

In the organization which took place on 12-13 March 2016, Modafen, competing in the Fine Arts Category, once again proved their social capacity as a school.

Our students worked hard and intensely since the beginning of the preparation period until the competition date. Modafen students’ self-confidence during the competition, their fluency in using English, their acting performance, their creative costumes and make up design were highly appreciated by the jury members.

We congratulate our students and team leaders for their dedicated work and wish them continued success.

18 March 2016 Friday
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