Art Station Haydarpaşa ⋅ Modafen

Art Station Haydarpaşa

Modafen Photography Club students created a project called “Art Station Haydarpaşa” with their teacher, Ilgın Yaroğlu. In the historical and aesthetic texture of Hardarpaşa Train Station, our students placed mime artists in stories which they created with their own imagination. The black, white and red photographs represent different stories. The pictures were exhibited on the 24th of May 2015 at Zorlu Center PSM. The Art Station Project, which was originally a competition among students, will soon be exhibited in our school.

Competition results are as shown below:

  1. Aslı Demir 6B – Miray Bulut 6B
  2. Doğa Yavuz 7C – Bora Erdoğan 6B
  3. Cemre Naz Mumcu 7C – Defne Akyol 7C
  4. Yenican Koçtürk 6A – Doğa Doğan 6C
  5. Deniz Gül 6A – Alya Yersu Toraman 6A


  • Alara Çiftçi 6C – Dila Gürbüzer 6B
  • Zeynep Özsoy 6B – Öykü Uzun 6A
  • Elif Kenanoğlu 7A – Zeynep Kenanoğlu 7A

Katılan ve dereceye giren tüm öğrencilerimizi tebrik ederiz.

Photographs From the Exhibition and the Photoshoot


1 June 2015 Monday
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