Yağmur Şentürk, Our Student, Admitted to Opera Ballet School ⋅ Modafen

Yağmur Şentürk, Our Student, Admitted to Opera Ballet School

Yağmur Şentürk, number 593, one of the 7th grade students of Modafen, received admission from the Paris Opera Ballet School 2021 Summer School, one of the most prestigious art institutions.

Only in the last several months, hundreds of conservatory-educated applicants have applied to this global artistic organization. The famous institution recognized our student Yağmur’s academic success as well as her performance and accepted her after evaluating 630 applications from various nations. As a result of his remarkable performance at his own level, Yağmur, who managed to be among the few acceptable names despite not having attended a conservatory, took her spot in this group as the youngest in her group.

As Modafen family, we wish success to our student.

9 March 2021 Tuesday
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