We Were in Ankara to Visit Our Leader ⋅ Modafen

We Were in Ankara to Visit Our Leader

After 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day, our 8th grade and prep students set off to Ankara for a sentimental visit.
After a fun journey, we arrived in Ankara. Our first stop was the first Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Having visited the Independence War Museum with so much emotion, we visited the second Grand National Assembly.

Then, we visited the Ethnography Museum where our leader Atatürk was first buried. Our stops in the afternoon were the Ankara Fortress and the Anatolian Civilizations Museum. Next, it was time to visit one of the most prestigious universities of Turkey, Middle East Technical University. There, we visited the Science Museum and walked around the amazing ODTÜ campus.

Next morning, we woke up early feeling excited about visiting our leader Atatürk. After breakfast, we took our seats on the bus and set off to Anıtkabir. At last, we were walking on “Aslanlı Yol”. After climbing the stairs, we stood before our leader. After a moment of silence, our principal Mehmet Durak left a wreath on the mausoleum on behalf of Modafen family and signed the Anıtkabir special notebook offering our appreciation.

Then we set off to Beypazarı. We had lunch, and did some shopping in this naturally wonderful district of Ankara. After we got our souvenirs, we started our journey back to İstanbul.

23 May 2014 Friday
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