“Turkish Language Fest” at Modafen ⋅ Modafen

“Turkish Language Fest” at Modafen

26th September, the opening day of the first Turkish Language Assembly at the Istanbul Dolmabahçe Palace, founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1932, is celebrated in our country as “Language Fest” every year.

To raise the awareness of our students about the threats that Turkish language is facing and to help them be cautious about using Turkish effectively, our Turkish Language Department organized a meeting which brought together Modafen students with the well-known author Adnan Binyazar. The conference was designed for 6th and 7th grade students and it was based on the motto “Turkish is our fingerprint”. During the interview, the author emphasized that people communicate through their mother tongue throughout their life cycles and he mentioned Atatürk’s motto: “Turkish language is one of the richest languages. The only problem is to use it effectively!”

Our interview ended with questions and answers.

27 September 2017 Wednesday
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