“The Tears of Water” Event ⋅ Modafen

“The Tears of Water” Event

Placing a lot of importance on social responsibility projects, Modafen’s 2nd and 3rd grade students prepared the project called “The Tears of Water”, where they acquired information about the usage of water and its significance in our lives.

The Tears of Water is a social responsibility project that has been ongoing by Istanbul Technical University’s Environmental Engineering Club since 2008. One of the most important steps of creating an environment-conscious society is to raise awareness in children, who are the owners of the future, according to the Tears of Water team, who paid a visit to our school in the second term of 2018-2019 year to educate the new guardians of water.

As Modafen family, we would like to extend our gratitude to Istanbul Technical University’s Environmental Engineering Club members for the productive and exciting training and the awareness they raised for the sake of our environment.

6 March 2019 Wednesday
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