Parents – Teachers Basketball Tournament ⋅ Modafen

Parents – Teachers Basketball Tournament

The third annual “Parents-Teachers” basketball tournament came to an end. The tournament, which took place between April 6-21, attracted a lot of attention with 9 teams competing in the tournament and the winning teams receiving medals and certifications. During the ceremony, old players lived the excitement of being on the podium.

Champion Team
Murat Eskici
İlker Yenigün
Murat Ersayın
Osman Ateş
Yener Demirağ

Emre Öçgüder
Alp Mete Erdoğan
Erhan Ak
Kayhan Köseoğlu
Can Polat
Levent Türbedar
Berkan Öneyman

Third Place
Koray Başeğmez
Barış Urunlu
Haluk Kaynakçı
Haluk Çongar
Taner Çakır
Ali Şengel

27 April 2015 Monday
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To be with Modafen...

We, the Modafen Registration Unit, are here to help you apply for the 2024-25 Academic Year before you arrive on the Modafen Campus.

You can call us at 0216 641 57 83 or fill out the form to make an online appointment, which is the initial step in the Modafen registration procedure.

    Student Info

    Name & Surname


    Date of Birth

    Class to Register

    Parent Info

    Name & Surname


    Phone Number

