Our Students Proved their Creativity Using Technology ⋅ Modafen

Our Students Proved their Creativity Using Technology

Within the framework of the 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 15 students from 7,5 to 13 years old, including Modafen students, drew their self-portrait via iPad and iPencil.

The students combined their creativity with the multi-tasking capacity of I-Pad in the project called “My self-portrait with iPad”. Therefore, 16 great self-portrait were prepared. Some of the students drew themselves together with their pets or their favourite flowers using endless papers and pen, and they reflected their dream jobs on their work. The work prepared by our students 3C Efe Nalbantoğlu and 6D Nil Turnaoğlu, have been displayed on billboards and aired on national TV shows.

As Modafen we congratulate our students Efe Nalbantoğlu and Nil Turnaoğlu, who reflected their love, dreams and emotions on art, and wish them continued success.

Efe Nalbantoğlu

Nil Turnaoğlu


25 April 2018 Wednesday
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You can call us at 0216 641 57 83 or fill out the form to make an online appointment, which is the initial step in the Modafen registration procedure.

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