Modafen Students at Global Sailing Academy ⋅ Modafen

Modafen Students at Global Sailing Academy

Between May 29 and June 2, Modafen students attended a delightful “Introduction to Sailing” camp at Global Sailing Academy, the pioneering training club of sailing sports in Marmaris, Karacasöğüt.

Located in the heart of nature, GSA Academy aims to introduce sailing to children from a young age and to train young athletes in our country. Our students have completed a pleasant and fun summer camp by taking the basic maritime education on the land (theoretical part) and at sea (practical part) in company with a well-respected education staff.

We would like to congratulate our students who completed sailing education successfully, and wish them a continued success.

24 June 2019 Monday
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To be with Modafen...

We, the Modafen Registration Unit, are here to help you apply for the 2024-25 Academic Year before you arrive on the Modafen Campus.

You can call us at 0216 641 57 83 or fill out the form to make an online appointment, which is the initial step in the Modafen registration procedure.

    Student Info

    Name & Surname


    Date of Birth

    Class to Register

    Parent Info

    Name & Surname


    Phone Number

