Modafen Student Berke Saka, With a Full Scholarship Heads to Georgia Tech Industrial Engineering Department ⋅ Modafen

Modafen Student Berke Saka, With a Full Scholarship Heads to Georgia Tech Industrial Engineering Department

Our young student from the 11th grade A class, Berke Saka, will continue his successful sports and academic career with a full scholarship in the Industrial Engineering Department of Georgia Institute thanks to Modafen.

Our 17-year-old student managed to hold 27 school interviews including many universities such as, Harvard, Princeton, and Cornell for 2021-2022 Academic year.

Berke Saka, who was in dilemma between Harvard or Goergia Tech, announced that he had verbally accepted the Georgia Tech, which has been ranked No1 by the US News for 25 years in Industrial Engineering education. Comparing the swimming teams standards Berke had finally selected Georgia Tech.

Georgia Tech reached him through his profile on the College swimming website and guaranteed him a full scholarship as well as a position in the Atlantic Coast Conference Men’s swimming team.

Berke Saka who had no other choice but to wait to take the SAT exam in August due to the disruptions in the world cause by the Coronavirus Pandemic will proceed the registration in Georgia Tech for his university education after this exam.

Modafen is delighted that the importance we give to A-type education can touch our students’ lives so well and open new doors in front of them.

We are proud of Berke Saka, we wish him success in swimming and academic career in this new path.

5 August 2020 Wednesday
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