Modafen High School Swimming Team Ranks Group #1 ⋅ Modafen

Modafen High School Swimming Team Ranks Group #1

Competing as the Champion of Istanbul this season in the group competitions, Modafen High School Swimming Team displayed great accomplishments and did not lose the first place ranking.

Our high school boys swimming team won the right to compete in the Turkey Finals as the group leader after the School Sports Youth Group Swimming Races, held in Kocaeli on March 2nd and 3rd.
Our team, including Demirkan Demir, Emir Şimşek, Ekin Demirbaş, Efe Başar, Berke Saka and Bedirhan Tamer won the medal after their incredible performances in all distances and styles.

As Modafen family, we would like to congratulate our swimmers and wish them further accomplishments in the Turkey Final to be held in Edirne on March 28thand 29th.

8 March 2019 Friday
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