Modafen “Family” Basketball Tournament ⋅ Modafen

Modafen “Family” Basketball Tournament

A significant example of the importance that Modafen shows to family ties and sports was once again proven by the traditional Parent-Teacher-Graduate Basketball Tournament.

Teams consisting of 4 main and 1 substitute players competed and after a strong competition, two teams of parents progressed to the final. After a major struggle, the blue team beat the white team by a score of 58-47and became champions. Our P.E teachers’ team finished third in the competition.

The first three teams received their medals and certificates after the final.

25 April 2014 Friday
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To be with Modafen...

We, the Modafen Registration Unit, are here to help you apply for the 2024-25 Academic Year before you arrive on the Modafen Campus.

You can call us at 0216 641 57 83 or fill out the form to make an online appointment, which is the initial step in the Modafen registration procedure.

    Student Info

    Name & Surname


    Date of Birth

    Class to Register

    Parent Info

    Name & Surname


    Phone Number

