Modafen Celebrates Francophonie Week ⋅ Modafen

Modafen Celebrates Francophonie Week

World Francophonie Week, the week of March 20th, was celebrated with various activities in 5 continents, 68 countries by 181 million people whose native or second language is French and by 82.5million people who are trying to learn French.

Francophonie, which literally means French sounds, is defined as unity of French speaking nations. The word “Francophonie” was used for the first time in 1880 by the geographer Onesisme Reclus in order to define the French-speaking communities and countries.

Our students celebrated Francophonie week with various activities in their French classes.

Our Grade 3 students played Musical Chairs by singing French songs.

Our Grade 4 students took a different view on The Eiffel Tower by making collage art.

Our Grade 5 and 6 students prepared a quiz show, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, in French.

Our Grade 7 students made presentations on French culture

In addition, all of the students who learn French had a wonderful time watching Garfield during the lunch break.

Our students experienced French culture through different activities, and practiced their French at the same time!

22 March 2013 Friday
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