Modafen at Sait Faik Museum at Burgazada ⋅ Modafen

Modafen at Sait Faik Museum at Burgazada

Modafen students do not only attach importance to literature but also to the authors. Within this framework, they visited Sait Faik Abasıyanık’s house in Burgazada on Wednesday 31st May.

Our 8th grade students, who read and analysed one of the most distinguished authors of Turkey Sait Faik’s stories, visited his house at Burgazada. This historical house, where all the materials and furniture he used while writing were displayed, amazed our students. The panoramic photos of this house and the notes on Sait Faik helped them understand the author much better.

Modafen students, who also enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful atmosphere of Büyükada while learning, also had a bicycle and coach tour. Our students’ joy on that day, which was full of knowledge and art, was worth seeing.

1 June 2017 Thursday
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