Flavour and Fun on Cupcake Day ⋅ Modafen

Flavour and Fun on Cupcake Day

It was Cupcake day yesterday, one of Modafen’s delicious classics. All the students had waited impatiently for this tasty and colourful day so there were many smiling faces all around the school.

Cupcake Day started with the colourful decorations. All the corners of the school were covered with cute cupcake decorations and posters. All the cupcakes, which were baked specially for Modafen, were put on the stands with great care and attention.

During the first lesson, students finally had their delicious cupcakes. After gulping down all the cupcakes, it was then time for the activities. Our first grade students decorated their cupcakes with book figures made out of sugar dough while other students took plenty of funny pictures behind the Cupcake Day memoir frame.

Another traditional Modafen Day was over, leaving beautiful and fun memories.

We would like to thank “Happy Caking” for their contribution to Cupcake Day with their cupcakes.

13 November 2013 Wednesday
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