Cambridge KET, PET and FCE Exam Results ⋅ Modafen

Cambridge KET, PET and FCE Exam Results

Cambridge English has been offering a wide range of the world’s most valuable English language exams, for all levels, to millions of students in 65 different countries around the world, helping the students achieve their life, work, and study, goals since 1913. Cambridge English Exams, recognized internationally, are prepared in at least three years after long research and practices carried out in different countries all around the world. These exams are recognized worldwide, which increases the foreign languages standards in many countries.

This year, once again, our school became a test centre for the exams and we worked in collaboration with Cambridge. It has been observed that, when compared to the previous years, the participation rate has increased significantly this year. The results that Modafen students achieved at these exams, which are prepared on the international standards, have once again shown how much importance Modafen puts on teaching foreign languages. All our students, who took the exam, have passed and the A2, B1, B2 and C1 certificates they have earned are documents showing their high-level language acquisition.

As Modafen Family, we are happy to share with you the graphs showing the KET, PET and FCE results of our students. You can also find the YLE (Starters, Movers and Flyers) results on our website. The certificates will be given to our students with a ceremony.

We congratulate our students for their scores and wish them continued success.

11 August 2017 Friday
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You can call us at 0216 641 57 83 or fill out the form to make an online appointment, which is the initial step in the Modafen registration procedure.

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