Cambridge Certificate Excitement For Our Highly Successful Students ⋅ Modafen

Cambridge Certificate Excitement For Our Highly Successful Students

Cambridge English exams, which Modafen are part of as a test centre, continue certifying the international success of our students at an international level.

The exams, which provide effective educational areas, do not only evaluate individual language skills of the students but also assess their learning process within group. Cambridge English Exams aim to help the students improve their self-confidence and skills, which will open for them the road to communicate with people from all around the world and enhance their listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. They also increase their motivation. Our students, who received their YLE certificates (Starters-Movers-Flyers) from Foreign Languages Department Head Elif Nalbantoğlu, together with their English teachers, made the Modafen Family proud once again.

We congratulate our students for their achievements and wish them continued success.

4 October 2017 Wednesday
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To be with Modafen...

We, the Modafen Registration Unit, are here to help you apply for the 2024-25 Academic Year before you arrive on the Modafen Campus.

You can call us at 0216 641 57 83 or fill out the form to make an online appointment, which is the initial step in the Modafen registration procedure.

    Student Info

    Name & Surname


    Date of Birth

    Class to Register

    Parent Info

    Name & Surname


    Phone Number

