Birthdays At Modafen ⋅ Modafen

Birthdays At Modafen

Our students’ birthday celebrations continue to take place at Modafen. 16 of our students, who were born in December and January, celebrated their birthdays, blowing out the candles on their cakes together. The Modafen Family would like to wish our students a very Happy Birthday.

Our students, who were born in

Yağız Akyüz
Ömer Doğu Parlak
Doğa Nil Sevin
Gaye Ersoy
Duru Duray
Ece Alışır
Ahmet Can Karataşlı
Pelin Kabaklı

Murat Doğu Özden
Elif Öztürk
Yağmur Şentürk
İrem Özgür
Elif Nida Kolçak
Demir Sait Börekci
Kaya Demirel
Yankı Kayra Oğuz

22 January 2015 Thursday
modafenli aileler modafen ailesi modafenli olmak modafen kültürü yurt dışı eğitim bursları A-tipi birey modafen staj olanakları modafen a tipi eğitim
Modafen Online Görüşme

To be with Modafen...

We, the Modafen Registration Unit, are here to help you apply for the 2024-25 Academic Year before you arrive on the Modafen Campus.

You can call us at 0216 641 57 83 or fill out the form to make an online appointment, which is the initial step in the Modafen registration procedure.

    Student Info

    Name & Surname


    Date of Birth

    Class to Register

    Parent Info

    Name & Surname


    Phone Number

