23 Nisan Modafen’de Büyük Coşkuyla Kutlandı ⋅ Modafen

23 Nisan Modafen’de Büyük Coşkuyla Kutlandı

23rd April National Sovereignty and Children Fest, a gift from Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to all children worldwide, has been celebrated with great joy by Modafen students and teachers.

The celebration program prepared by our primary school kids was a great success. The ceremony started with the National Anthem and continued with our students performances. The poems recited by our students got big hand while the songs about Republic and 23rd April performed by our school chorus were listened enthusiastically. The longing our students feel for Atatürk was reflected through the poems, dance shows and songs. During the ceremony our students reminded the audience the famous quote of Atatürk: “Little ladies, little gentlemen, you are all the roses, the stars and the sparkling joy of our future, the ones who will elevate the nation. Always be aware of your value and significance! And work hard… We have great expectations from you. Happy 23rd April!”

The joy of 23rd April continued the whole day and our students enjoyed themselves a lot through the very special performances prepared for the day.

24 April 2017 Monday
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